Who is the Crafty Pedaler?
Maker, writer and journeyman.
My name is Ivon Haywood, I'm a practising furniture designer and maker and a cycling enthusiast. You might call me a 'cyco'.
My history in furniture making started when I joined the Rycotewood school of furniture at the age of 16. Five years later I left with a degree in Furniture-Design/Make and an even greater passion and understanding for my craft.
From here me and my best friend and fellow woodworker moved to Lancashire where we have been building up our workshop and practice ever since.
In the summer of 2021 I cycled to Paris from Oxford in 5 days before traveling to Marseille where I studied with the famous Takami Kawai, the founder of Suikoushya. On the way back from my studies I decided to visit some woodworker friends of mine, Ash and plumb and HT Morris welcomed me in and shared their work with me. These interactions on my travels inspired me to come up with the Crafty Pedaler.
The Crafty Pedaler is here to provide an insight into the practices and lives of craftspeople and creatives; touring the landscape by bike visiting a vast array of makers large or small, celebrating their work and sharing what they do.
My ambition as the Crafty Pedaler is to create a community and talk about people from not just the furniture and woodwork industry, but all people who possess skills in different crafts, mediums and who practice a style unique to them. Exploring the uniqueness of individual crafts persons or artists is what I'm interested in.

On this website I will post my writing in the form of blogs; for each leg, I will post something new about the maker I'm visiting and about my journey. Please join me on my adventures as the 'Crafty Pedaler'